模糊乐队:直到尽头的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
A treasure trove of live and archive footage drives this portrait of the British band as they prepare to tour their new album.
Filmed over a decade, but also drawing in a wealth of footage from throughout their career, Toby L’s documentary portrait explores Blur’s trajectory, from a group of friends jamming to becoming one of the most acclaimed British bands of the last 35 years. It captures them as they come together to record what will be the critical and commercial success The Ballad of Darren, leading to their first – and sell-out – shows at Wembley stadium in the summer of 2023. The film shows how the group have continued to forge new creative paths, never resting on the laurels of former glories. With their recent performance at Coachella yet another defining moment of their recent revival, this is the perfect time to look back on their career.
现场和档案镜头的宝库为这支英国乐队准备巡演新专辑的肖像画提供了动力。 Toby L 的纪实肖像拍摄了十多年,但也借鉴了他们整个职业生涯中的大量镜头,探索了 Blur 的轨迹,从一群朋友即兴演奏到成为过去 35 年中最受赞誉的英国乐队之一。它捕捉到了他们聚在一起录制《达伦之歌》的关键和商业成功,导致他们于 2023 年夏天在温布利体育场的首场演出(门票已售罄)。这部电影展示了该乐队如何继续开辟新的创作道路,从不满足于昔日辉煌的桂冠。他们最近在科切拉音乐节上的表演是他们最近复兴的另一个决定性时刻,现在是回顾他们职业生涯的最佳时机。
模糊乐队:直到尽头 [2024][纪录片 英国]